Shoes, shoes and more shoes. I placed an order at Rivers online store during one of their many promotions. I scored some shoes for Callum and Annabelle in their current size and in sizes they will grow into (plus one pair of shoes for me). A total of 16 pairs of brand new shoes for $158.55 which included delivery to my door. Bargain!
Annabelle has started taking photos with our old digital camera. She straps it on to her wrist and off she goes, telling everything and everyone to 'Say cheese'.
Poor Dale spent the day painting the eaves around the extension. It was not a nice job - hot weather, lots of going up and down the ladder, wiping up drips and boo-boo's. And after working for about 6 hours, he's only halfway there. :S
My craft table with the cards I created today on the windowsill. Is it normally this messy? Absolutely not but I am determined to use up some of the half-used packs of letter stickers and scraps of paper rather than put them all away.
Annabelle loves to spend time outside watering the plants. She has adopted the flower in the big blue pot. She even picked some flowers for Mummy a few weeks ago. The plant is only just starting to recover from the experience!
After reading about several people embarking on a 'photo a day' for a year I thought I might give it a go. Sounds like a fun way of documenting bits of life that normally don't get photographed.